Hippiestock II is just around the corner and I'm afraid it's going to be more like Altamont than Woodstock. It hasn't been the best of times in the good ol' SL forums this year. Such a shame when you think about it. There were some good times. Followed by the blackout and the drugging. Lithium replaced Jive and things got in turns ugly then dull, then ugly, then dull again.
Casualties so far: Suspiria and Seicher were driven away from SL by and Pep and Ima respectively. Ima was so damaged by her successful campaign that she has become rather marginal herself. Pep on the other hand seems to be flourishing regardless of how many bans he has.
As I see it, the source of the current feud stems from the fact that Maddie very seriously tried to persuade her friend Storm that his friend Pep was evil. He got tired of this and actually came to a different conclusion.
But I'm sure there were antecedents to this state of affairs that I am not so clear on. When I came in Suspiria was attacking every new person because she believed that they were alts of someone who she felt was attacking her. Not sure about who it was. Pep maybe?
As far as I can see, Pep just enjoys trolling. Anyone he can get a rise out of is fair game. He goes after Lillie because it gets a rise from Gypsy, Dee, and Av. He goes after them because they fight back. He goes after Maddie indirectly because he doesn't fair so well with her in a direct confrontation. Maddie understands the rules better and tries to get everyone to stop responding. Gypsy, Dee and Aveline don't like bullying and they fight back. This backfires due to the cardinal rule of trolling. When you fight back against a troll, the troll wins.
Poor Storm and Gypsy are conspiracy theorists. They know that there has been some outright as well as subtle manipulation going on and they have chosen opposite sides. They don't trust very many people. Some former friendships have been lost because of their conclusion that there are sides and if you're not fore them then you must be against.
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