

One of our many fans sent us an exclusive copy of this notorious post of nearly one year ago. Seems that the original thread was whacked sometime before the transition to the new forum. However, at least one perceptive reader rescued the relevant information and forwarded it to us.

In it, Nathaniel Scorpio confesses that he spent his formative years in SecondLife as a female avatar. He asserts that he never told anyone his real gender because it was nobody's business. Yes, his was one of those avatars whose profile read something like 'RL is RL and SL is SL'. He also admits to deceiving at least one other, a minotaur (half male, half bull..so for all intents and purposes MALE). An easy admission, surely. Far worse would be to admit to deceiving someone in human avatar form. Forget that all avatars, in whatever form, are operated by humans.

Here is the text of his admission:

"My original avi was female, played as her for two years. I still bring her out now and then as a change of pace. I eventually got tired of not being able to share all of who I am and created Nathaniel.

"I always studiously avoided making an (sic) RL commitments in the time I played a female avi, made it very clear in both profile and chat that I would not give any RL details. My assumption then, my assumption still, is that anyone who was bothered that I wouldn’t provide any verification of who I claimed to be didn’t deal with me and the people who couldn’t care less about who I was in RL did deal with me.

By the way, that’s part of the reason I got tired of playing that avi and am much happier as Nathaniel. I wanted to share who I really was with the people I liked. But I don’t regret the time I spent in a female avi. I honestly think it helped me be a better man. It certainly helped me be a better dressed man."

Well, 'tired of playing that avi' until he feels the need to, again, 'bring her out now and then as a change of pace.'

We ask, does your SL girlfriend, Scylla Rhiadra, know of this female avatar? If Nathaniel is as consistent as he claims, he would tell no one, NO ONE who is his female self. We are confident he has breached this claim.

Nathaniel shares some observations from being female:

"My observations from that time are:
Men are pigs.
Women have better clothing options.
Men are pigs.
Many men will continue hitting on you long after you’ve made it clear to anyone with more than a pre-school education that you aren’t interested, which of course leads to
Men are pigs.
You need to tread carefully around women, but men are easily fooled.
Men are pigs."

Why, then, create a male avatar? Oh, wait, Nathaniel would be the exception to his own observations. We invite Nathaniel, here and now, to tell us exactly how he avoids being a pig as a male in Second Life. Other males may benefit from his wise words!

Is it the multiple references to your SL girlfriend as a 'Canadian beaver' that makes you so non-pig-like? On a public feed, no less? Well, we ARE talking about fake names, aren't we?

Do we hear an 'oink oink' in the distance?

Yes, we perform a public service here!