

It is common knowledge that ImaFeisty Hammer and Seicher Rae/Leia Aie have had a wailing catfight going for MONTHS. At one boring point, they had a tentative truce but that split wide open recently for some reason (details forthcoming!).
Today, Ima erupted in her reopened, public blog again about Seicher/Leia peppered with pastes of dialogue we can only assume were inworld IMs.

What caught us was something at the end of the long tirade:

Imafeisty1's Blog

You don't say?

Stalker Rae 2011.

I don’t care how much or how often Stalker Rae attacks me…But if her attacking the ONLY person in the forums who has never said one single bad thing about anyone in the forums is not indicative of the TRUE nature of Seicher Rae…nothing will ever convince you folks. Enjoy her. No great loss to the community.

Whoever might this be??

It surely can't be Ima's new BFF, Sus. Her attacks are well-known and documented. It cannot be Ima's two friends, Chris and Theia, could it? No, we think Ima is referring to Nathaniel Scorpio, once a notch on Seicher's prim bedpost. Can Ima really think that Nat has NEVER SAID ONE SINGLE BAD THING ABOUT ANYONE?

Readers! Send us your clippings! We know they are there! This needs to be EXPOSED!!